Hello friends,
Our first recipe this year is on my first mushrooms which I prepared. Guess what? They were AMAZEballzzz!!! Mushrooms are a great addition to a healthy diet. They are nutrient dense (low caloric content), rich in fiber, moderate in protein, low in fat and carbs and rich in Vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol) for healthy bones.
I had green beans thrown in too, the reason for the title. Green beans are not left for salads alone (can be boring to eat them in such monotonous way). Hhhhmmmm, Enough of the preaching(smiles). Lets get down to Business.
The past year has been a challenging but fruitful year for me. My
reason for being incommunicado. I am back with richer and better contents on food recipes (especially for people like me who want to eat healthy but delicious meals) and other science health talks. Feel free to share my links with your friends, drop your comments and critics.
reason for being incommunicado. I am back with richer and better contents on food recipes (especially for people like me who want to eat healthy but delicious meals) and other science health talks. Feel free to share my links with your friends, drop your comments and critics.

I had green beans thrown in too, the reason for the title. Green beans are not left for salads alone (can be boring to eat them in such monotonous way). Hhhhmmmm, Enough of the preaching(smiles). Lets get down to Business.
Serving Size- 1
- 5 whole mushrooms (1 mushroom can be equivalent to the size of 1 egg)
- 1/2 Onion Bulb
- 3 Garlic cloves
- 8 long stick of fresh green beans
- pinch of iodized salt
- 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil (only)
- Seasonings (crushed black pepper, ground ginger, ground onions,ground garlic, bouillon cube), see picture attached (number 3)
1) Slice mushrooms as shown in the picture into tiny layers. Wash them thoroughly and pass through a strain to remove excess moisture.
2) crush garlic (the more crushed, the more medicinal) and dice the onions. set aside
3) Divide the green beans sticks into 3 parts, wash and drain out moisture.
4) Place your skillet or pan over a stove or gas cooker and allow to heat up for 1 minute.
5) Add oil, heat up for 30seconds, throw in the garlic, onions and seasoning and allow to saute for 1 minute.
6) In low/medium heat, add in sliced mushrooms, and keep stirring until all moisture from the mushrooms has evaporated/caramelized with the color of it changing from white to a little bit of brown (This should take 8 minutes).
7) Finally add in your green beans, and continue sauteing for an extra 2-3minutes.
8)Put off heat, and serve either hot or warm with any additional meal. I used Moi-moi (baked beans cake) and 2 boiled eggs (1 whole egg, the whites of the other). It can also be eaten with rice/ pasta, grains.
Try it this weekend, give me your feedback. you can as well post pictures of your own preparations.
REMEMBER: DIET ALONE is the not the most efficient way to be fit/ healthy, exercise plays a vital role too (even if it is 30 minutes of brisk walking everyday) to keep the heart pumping!!
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